Build Your Business: From Fear to Freedom

#81 - Avoid and Identify Burnout (Legacy Episode)

Episode Summary

Learn how to avoid, identify, and get out of occupational burnout. Like overtraining, this is better to avoid then dig yourself out of.

Episode Notes

Burnout: Definition & Identification

This is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. It comes from doing too much for too long, especially too many urgent things. Some people have performed some great feats of endurance in their lives, but they often focus on the important, not the urgent.

You will experience a lack of desire to work, even with things that used to motivated and excited you. It will affect all areas of your life.

There is a clear parallel with overtraining. Overtraining is actually less common than most people think, but if you become overtrained it is debilitating. Overtraining and becoming burned out are better to avoid than dig yourself out of.

Burnout: Avoidance versus Digging Yourself Out

This is one of those instances when important things become urgent. You drown in an overwhelming amount of urgency for too long, and you will have to confront it. It is better to get out in front of it.

Ensure that you are making time for the important. You are taking days off and there are things you do unrelated to the urgent every day.

Take care of your health always: physical, medical, spiritual, psychological, social.

Do not medicate with activities that can exacerbate the problem, such as alcohol or other drugs, unhealthy foods, empty pleasures, risky behaviors, or excessive spending or gambling.

To dig yourself out will require more work and greater effort than if you had never found yourself burned out in the first place. And, of course, some people never dig themselves out.

Avoid burnout, but reach out for help if you find yourself burned out.